PMPE – “Pacu Jawi”, Padang, Indonesia from 29th June to 1st July 2012


We are pleased to announce our PMPE, a PhotoSafari to Padang, Indonesia. The highlights of this PhotoSafari trip is the adrenaline rush Bull Run or Pacu Jawi as the Indonesian called it.

Pacu Jawi is usually held at the end of the harvesting season. Bull breeders and Buyers come together and trade their bulls. Bulls are strong animals and often used in the ploughing and tilling of the land for rice planting.  The Sellers would hire Jockeys to run the bulls to exhibit the strengths of the animals. After each run the bulls are cleaned and herded into a display pen for the Buyers to choose.

This year’s Pacu Jawi is organised specially for our PMPE, PhotoSafari Trip. A warning for those who wants to go on this trip. This is a very dangerous event to shoot. I have seen Photographers being injured while photographing this race. Please come at your own risk, we are not liable to any personal injuries whatsoever.

Besides the Pacu Jawi we will be photographing morning markets, sunrise and sunset at the Meninjau Lake and Bukit Tinggi.

For those who want to know more about the itinerary and pricing, please email to [email protected]

This PMPE-“Pacu Jawi” , PhotoSafari is now opened for booking.  The are limited places so please hurry.

The Bull Run


There is no safe place to shoot.

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